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ProSe Landing Page

KWB Intake Form

ProSe Intake Form

Investment Advisory Role

ProSe Will and Trust Fees

Estate Planning Package for Couple Individual $1,200
Estate Planning Package for Single Individual $1,100
Restatement of Living Trust Single $895
Restatement of Living Trust Couple $995
Standalone Will $275
Will Package Single $650
Power of Attorney $199
Health Care Directives $199
Deeds - All California Deeds* $225
* ProSe Recording Fee (depending on type of deed)

CEW Estate Plan Flat Fee*

1. Married Couple (Complete Simple Estate Plan,
     including Restated Amended Trust)
$2,800    $2,400**
2. Married Couple (Complex Estate Plan) $3,600    $3,000**
3. Single Person (Complete Simple Estate Plan) $2,300    $2,000**
4. Married Couple or Single Person (Simple Trust  
    Amendment including a new pour over Will)
                      • Prepared by FLSD
                      • Not Prepared by FLSD

$1,600   $1,300**
(same as #1 or #3)
5. Special Needs Trust as a standalone Trust $2,500    $2,200**
  • Additional real estate transfers in CA are $450, includes recording fees.
  • Out-of-State deeds are $500 plus recording fees.
  • Special Needs provisions in Marital Trust will add $400 to the costs quoted above.
  • Power of Attorney $700 (alone) $200 (added)
  • Advanced Health Care Directive $500 (alone) $200 (added)
  • Last Will and Testament $1,000
* Effective May 15, 2024)      **KWB fee