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Daddy's Girl

It's been a long, long road, but she's finally here! Amelia Grace Razzouk was born to us on 12/12/2022. She was just over 7 pounds at birth. My wife, Sheree, and I were chatting and trying to imagine what our baby girl would look like a few months back. On the ultrasounds, one thing was pretty clear, she would have Sheree's lips and nose.  We couldn't wait for the day to meet Amelia and when the time finally arrived, she took our breath away. We both burst into tears when she was lifted over the sheet and we got to see her face for the first time. She was absolutely stunning.  

The three of us spent a couple of nights together at the hospital while Sheree recovered. I quickly became proficient at diaper changes, swaddling and stuffing tiny limbs into jammies. When it was time to go home, Sheree and I looked at each other and said, "We got this!" While placing Amelia in the car seat and carrying her to the car, that fleeting confidence transformed into, "Are they really going to let us leave? We know nothing!" Being very analytical, Sheree and I did A LOT of reading to prepare for Amelia. After the first few days at home, we quickly realized Amelia didn't read the textbooks on how babies should act. "Newborns sleep between 18-22 hours with short wake times to eat," per the books. Evidently, we were blessed with a very active baby; she just doesn't like to nap that much. Amelia has grown quickly, so we know she's healthy and happy.  

At this point, Amelia is just over 11 weeks old, and my has the time flown by. We're finally settling into a routine, which has helped immensely. The first question everyone always asks is, "How does she sleep?" I'm happy to share that she's doing incredible at night. Usually, Amelia and Sheree go to bed around 7 pm, and wake up at 3 am for a quick bite. They then get up for the day around 6:30 am. At 11 weeks old, that's such a blessing. Amelia is starting to become more interactive each day. She melts your heart with gorgeous smiles and happy coos.  

Fatherhood is truly transformative. I always knew that it would come with unique challenges mixed in with unbounded joys. I have a new and special respect for other parents that have risen to the challenge and emerged on the other end. Seemingly simple tasks now require strategizing to minimally impact nap times.  

Prior to Amelia's birth, almost everyone who spoke to me about having a daughter said there's always a very special connection between daddy and his little girl. It can't be expressed enough. The moment I saw Amelia's piercing blue eyes, I knew I was hooked. She's going to have me wrapped around her tiny fingers for sure and I couldn't be happier! I often think about the experiences to come and I reflect on what kind of father I want to be. I want to be loving, supportive and a strong foundation for her to build upon. I want to teach her about God's blessings and the joy of helping others. I want to grow my patience and I want to be present for her.  

Amelia, you are a treasure in the lives of your mother and me. We prayed for you and dreamed of you for many years. I promise to love you unconditionally, be quick to teach and forgive, learn as many Dad jokes as Quentin, go on field trips with you, support your passions, and always be the best version of myself for you. 

~ Mike Razzouk